Getcha move to the groove of the tuv vuv raish hei way... everything great.
Say this rhyme display is immaculate conception, saturated with a natural connection.
A lethal weapon, misdirects attention, sending every speaking being... deception.
Beating those without light for reading. Don›t live life for reason? Personal treason.
If the bright lights beaming, their eye›s wide shut. With the night life feeling, they might give up.
So with the spice right seasonings, bring the right flavor up beyond logic and reasoning... easily.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah. Ashrei HaAm she kacha lo, Ashrei HaAm she›Hashem Elohav.
(Happy are those who sit in your house, and further you will be praised. Happy is the nation that is like this, happy is the nation that HaShem is their G-d.)
Point connection, the joint connection to Hashem and we make it to the very very end. x2
You wanna do something but there›s nothing to do.
You feel you need meaning, but nothing›s meaning is true.
This place its needs a change, but when you change the place; it shifts for a minute then its back the same.
So you do this and that but that›s all folks.
And it kills you inside ‘cause that’s all folks.
And if that’s all folks, what’s your reason to be?
Is it really reasonable that the reason is me? Please?!
From sea to sea, the scenery seems to be equally unapeasing these needful beings that will seek the dream, because they need to drink.
Believe, I can speak for me. seeing how I›ve seen the springs to quench my thirst, plus mend the hurt.
Ani yoshaiv b›bais HaShem bachuhtzur. (I sit in the House of G-d in the courtyard)
To him I raise the most a toast, Ii love him with all I have.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah. Ashrei HaAm she kacha lo, Ashrei HaAm she›Hashem Elohav.
Point connection, the joint connection to Hashem and we make it to the very very end. x2
Praise worthy are those who dwell in your house may they always praise you.
Refined my ground and my head up about, and I see it all so I scream it proud.
Praise worthy are those who dwell in your house may they always praise you.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah, we stay up, we stay on.
Say this rhyme display is immaculate conception, saturated with a natural connection.
A lethal weapon, misdirects attention, sending every speaking being... deception.
Beating those without light for reading. Don›t live life for reason? Personal treason.
If the bright lights beaming, their eye›s wide shut. With the night life feeling, they might give up.
So with the spice right seasonings, bring the right flavor up beyond logic and reasoning... easily.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah. Ashrei HaAm she kacha lo, Ashrei HaAm she›Hashem Elohav.
(Happy are those who sit in your house, and further you will be praised. Happy is the nation that is like this, happy is the nation that HaShem is their G-d.)
Point connection, the joint connection to Hashem and we make it to the very very end. x2
You wanna do something but there›s nothing to do.
You feel you need meaning, but nothing›s meaning is true.
This place its needs a change, but when you change the place; it shifts for a minute then its back the same.
So you do this and that but that›s all folks.
And it kills you inside ‘cause that’s all folks.
And if that’s all folks, what’s your reason to be?
Is it really reasonable that the reason is me? Please?!
From sea to sea, the scenery seems to be equally unapeasing these needful beings that will seek the dream, because they need to drink.
Believe, I can speak for me. seeing how I›ve seen the springs to quench my thirst, plus mend the hurt.
Ani yoshaiv b›bais HaShem bachuhtzur. (I sit in the House of G-d in the courtyard)
To him I raise the most a toast, Ii love him with all I have.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah. Ashrei HaAm she kacha lo, Ashrei HaAm she›Hashem Elohav.
Point connection, the joint connection to Hashem and we make it to the very very end. x2
Praise worthy are those who dwell in your house may they always praise you.
Refined my ground and my head up about, and I see it all so I scream it proud.
Praise worthy are those who dwell in your house may they always praise you.
Ashrei yoshvei veisecha, od yihallilucha selah, we stay up, we stay on.
עוד באתר:
אורות גבוהים? דווקא הייתי מציע לכבות...
איתי סיטבון בטור על אלבומו השביעי של הזמר והיוצר אודי דוידי - "אורות גבוהים". קריאה נעימה!
בשלל צבעים... נתנאל לייפר על ארגמן של ארז לב ארי
נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו המסקרן של ארז לב ארי "ארגמן".
בצליל ובאומר...
ביקורת מוסיקה על 2012 האלבום הווקאלי של א.ק.א פאלה, שחוזרת באלבום השישי ועם מיטב הלהיטים.
אלבומי המופת-כוכבי אור, אברהם אבוטבול
נתנאל לייפר בסדרת אלבומי המופת של המוסיקה היהודית המקורית והפעם אלבום הרוק המופתי של אברהם אבוטבול "כוכבי אור" . כתבה ראשונה בסדרה