Place the 8 face to face, lay it down side ways. That’s right, that’s how we do when you pupils dilate. Enough to let the bright light shine within. Didn›t work? You need to work, you need to try again. Try again 7 fold and ride again. On the wings of an eagle and fly with wind. Put your mind on spin, drain the excess. My guide perplexes forever tied with it. You in the little boy world, doing them little boy things. With that 5th class pleasure you on the little boy team. With the critters you scheme and dream up low illusions. The king of kings ain›t into little boy amusements. I getchu clued in to rules and such and show you how to know which moves is clutch/ and the tools that just, cut for elevations movement must. For that 1st class pleasure so you do it plush.
You should know your a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down.
You want to the blue or red sewage head? And move and shed the cleepas. That keep us between the reapers. Jeepers creepers, the speakers, speak like teachers. Feel happiness, save goal like keepers. Accompanied by bass and tweeters to make maimra sweater. Motivate squads like cheerleaders. Royal theatre and step to stage. Chazal resolved it all from the end of the maze. Tailor made for them hazy days, but not the lazy lame. This world is crazy man. Face it man, most are on a ledge with saudered lens, in darkness stretch, without the sense of inner awfulness. Apart from this, stimulus never gets its satiation pleasure fix. So check the trick and benefit. You should know you a soul in your consciousness, get on with this.
You should know you’re a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down. x2
You want that...luscious pad with the 54» flat and 20 inch›s spins on the SUV cadillac and a pool in the back, ice to match and the dime›s with back. How can it be, yet that we see that their mind›s a glass pane. Shattered and maimed and the pattern›s the same with upper echelon with a million in spare change. Top of the day and top of the game, they walk awkwardly and they›re commonly phased. Their brains disarrayed, amazed that this way. Well its not just a chance their insides flames. This a slick type drei, slips in quick right way. Mix the fix in the midst your in midnights range. This existence is a shell life stay, get the pic this cell life mate. But a tell type tape, mandates and clearly states that the soul›s blackened dim is fading grim. Daily glam is well right fake.
You should know you’re a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down. x2
You should know your a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down.
You want to the blue or red sewage head? And move and shed the cleepas. That keep us between the reapers. Jeepers creepers, the speakers, speak like teachers. Feel happiness, save goal like keepers. Accompanied by bass and tweeters to make maimra sweater. Motivate squads like cheerleaders. Royal theatre and step to stage. Chazal resolved it all from the end of the maze. Tailor made for them hazy days, but not the lazy lame. This world is crazy man. Face it man, most are on a ledge with saudered lens, in darkness stretch, without the sense of inner awfulness. Apart from this, stimulus never gets its satiation pleasure fix. So check the trick and benefit. You should know you a soul in your consciousness, get on with this.
You should know you’re a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down. x2
You want that...luscious pad with the 54» flat and 20 inch›s spins on the SUV cadillac and a pool in the back, ice to match and the dime›s with back. How can it be, yet that we see that their mind›s a glass pane. Shattered and maimed and the pattern›s the same with upper echelon with a million in spare change. Top of the day and top of the game, they walk awkwardly and they›re commonly phased. Their brains disarrayed, amazed that this way. Well its not just a chance their insides flames. This a slick type drei, slips in quick right way. Mix the fix in the midst your in midnights range. This existence is a shell life stay, get the pic this cell life mate. But a tell type tape, mandates and clearly states that the soul›s blackened dim is fading grim. Daily glam is well right fake.
You should know you’re a soul. And this world as whole is just a corridor to the heavenly glow. If your body controls you›re just an animal. Ain›t nothing realer than the feeling of the shefa coming down. x2
עוד באתר:
ממש לא רק לספירה...נתנאל לייפר על PLATINUM של A.K.A.PELLA
נתנאל לייפר מוקסם מהאלבום של A.K.A.PELLA ההרכב הווקאלי המושלם מארה"ב ומתעצבן קלות על יחסי הציבור של הלהקה
הקלאסיקה האישית של יוסי טורצקי
איתי סיטבון בכתבה חדשה על אלבום הבכורה המעניין של יוסי טורצקי - נס אלוקי. קריאה מהנה!!
הרבה נקודות טובות!!! נתנאל לייפר בסדרת אלבומי המופת כתבה 5
סדרת אלבומי המופת של המוסיקה היהודית המקורית - והפעם נתנאל לייפר מתלהב מ"נקודה טובה" אלבומו של שולי רנד
יאמי של אלבום!
איתן סיטון בביקורת על אלבום הבכורה של הזמר יומי לואי, בעל הקול הגבוה והמרשים, שמעורבים בו המון אנשי מוזיקה, בין מלחינים ובין מעבדים גדולים, וגם קשר קטנטן לאלאדין...