Dance with me, don't sit it out now
Let the music lift you off the ground
Can't you see, vinyl keep spinning
Everyone is jumping up and down
Feet are stomping, music pumping
Look at me I'll show you how
Base is stomping, party's jumping
Everybody is dancing here now
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Loose yourself, find a new passion
Let the beat pound inside your veins
Storms may come, life isn't waiting
You just keep on dancing in the rain
Feet are stomping, music pumping
Look at me I'll show you how
Base thumping, party's jumping
Everybody dancing her now
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Let the music lift you off the ground
Can't you see, vinyl keep spinning
Everyone is jumping up and down
Feet are stomping, music pumping
Look at me I'll show you how
Base is stomping, party's jumping
Everybody is dancing here now
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Loose yourself, find a new passion
Let the beat pound inside your veins
Storms may come, life isn't waiting
You just keep on dancing in the rain
Feet are stomping, music pumping
Look at me I'll show you how
Base thumping, party's jumping
Everybody dancing her now
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
Olele I can feel the beat
DJ is taking over
Olele rythm in your feet
Music playing over
Chance it, dance it
I can feel the floor is burning here
I'm moving left and right
I'm dancing every day and night
עוד באתר:
טויסיג חוזר
נ. צליל בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והמושקע של הזמר החסידי שלומי טויסיג מארה"ב
לקרוא, לרקוד ולקבל 'אורות'...
החזן והגראמער יוסלה קלצקין בכתבה מיוחדת על אלבומו האחרון של הזמר והגראמער ישראל אדלר - "אורות". קריאה מהנה!
הילדים חוזרים
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומה השני של להקת הילדים "הקינדרלעך" מחמיא מצד אחד לרמת ההפקה אך מצפה ליותר רגש וליותר שירים מקוריים
בר יוחאי, נמשכתי, אשריך...
איתן סיטון על אלבום הבכורה של הזמר והמלחין בריו חקשור, אשר הלחין בעבר כבר את הלהיט של יעקב שוואקי - ברשות. קריאה מהנה!