It’s three o’clock in the morning, seems the whole worlds’ fast asleep
Yesterday’s gone, now we belong, to tomorrow’s hopes and dreams
But there’s a room where the light still burns, where sleep is oh so rare
He couldn’t rest, so distressed, with so many in despair
This room, some call it Eden, when they enter it they feel
What a purer place the world can be, how the G-dly is so real
And how each of us has our own role that no one else can play
For in me lies a special soul, to guide my path my way
When you came inside this holy room, hoping there to find
A magic pill to cure the ills of a troubled heart and mind
His remedies were words of truth, for just your ears to catch
No he didn’t light your fire, but he gave you the match
There are men of greatness who make you feel small
And there are men so humble, that they make you feel so you tall
They free the greatness inside of you, that you didn’t even know
And now your free to truly see the beauty of you soul
So you can take the match and set ablaze
The power that is you
Or you can just lay low, look back and wonder
Why I never flew
The choice is ever present
To engage or to detach
No, he didn’t light your fire
But he gave you the match
Yesterday’s gone, now we belong, to tomorrow’s hopes and dreams
But there’s a room where the light still burns, where sleep is oh so rare
He couldn’t rest, so distressed, with so many in despair
This room, some call it Eden, when they enter it they feel
What a purer place the world can be, how the G-dly is so real
And how each of us has our own role that no one else can play
For in me lies a special soul, to guide my path my way
When you came inside this holy room, hoping there to find
A magic pill to cure the ills of a troubled heart and mind
His remedies were words of truth, for just your ears to catch
No he didn’t light your fire, but he gave you the match
There are men of greatness who make you feel small
And there are men so humble, that they make you feel so you tall
They free the greatness inside of you, that you didn’t even know
And now your free to truly see the beauty of you soul
So you can take the match and set ablaze
The power that is you
Or you can just lay low, look back and wonder
Why I never flew
The choice is ever present
To engage or to detach
No, he didn’t light your fire
But he gave you the match
עוד באתר:
קאברים מחוץ לקופסא
נתנאל לייפר פותח את עונת הווקאל עם האלבום החדש והשני של המכביטס הלוהטים מארה"ב
אכן גם לדעתי זה "עניין אחר לגמרי"
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על האלבום "עניין אחר לגמרי" של להקת החתונות עניין אחר ואל תתנו לפרט הזה לבלבל אותכם הם אומנם להקת חתונות אך בהחלט מקורית ומעניינת
סך הכל.. לא רע
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו של יונתן רזאל "סך הכל"
בן אהוב ומושקע. נתנאל לייפר על האלבום החדש של אודי דוידי
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש של אודי דוידי,בן אהוב