מילות השיר:
"והעיקר שיחליט לעבוד במרץ ובבטחון חזק, אזכיר על הציון"
במרץ - with alacrity, ובבטחון חזק - with tremendous faith and trust
These are the magic words for success or failure in life
הוא אבינו
אונזער טאטע וועט העלפון זיכער
הוא מלכנו
אונזער קעניג איז גרעסער פון וועלט
דער באשעפער וועט העלפון זיכער
מושיענו, יושיענו
דער באשעפער פירט דאך די וועלט
מתוך מרץ וביטחון חזק
ר׳ יהושע אומר
מתוך מרץ וביטחון חזק
ישועות פועל
Hustle, you’ve got to hustle, Yossel
Hustle Yossel, move a muscle!
ויבשר טוב!
בני פרידמן - ר’ יהושע אומר
מקור: שמואל מרכוס, לחן: ברוך שלום בלסופסקי, ז'אנר: לא צויין.
נמצא באלבום: Fill the World With Light | מלאו את העולם באור.
yosittt | יום חמישי א' כסלו התשע"ז, 01-12-2016 בשעה 14:44צפיות: 5375.

בני פרידמן
הערות על השיר:
Composed by Boruch Sholom Blesofsky
Lyrics by Shmuel Marcus
Arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry
Mixed by Eli Lishinsky
Bass: Arye Volnitz
Spanish Guitar: Omri Zelig
Brass: Rafi Davidov, Dubi Ekstein, Adi Meiri, Shay Dagan
Brass recorded at Gal Kol Studios by Daniel Barnea
Choir: Tzvi Blumenfeld, Benny Friedman,
Boruch Sholom Blesofsky and Yoni Z
Special thanks to JEM’s “My Encounter
with the Rebbe” oral history project
for the audio
Based on the words and spirit of my late uncle Rabbi Yehoshua B. (Josh) Gordon A”H
who taught thousands to think big and to think positive.
My uncle Rabbi Yehoshua Binyomin "Josh” Gordon, of blessed memory, was one of the most fascinating and inspiring people I have
ever had the privilege of knowing. He was a delightful and powerful blend of big thinking and tender concern, intense seriousness
and hysterical humor, towering faith and earnest humanity. And aside from everything else, he believed and invested in my musical
future with all his hear t.
He attributed everything he did and everything he was to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the Rebbe’s constant guidance and encouragement.
In par ticular, he frequently and vigorously repeated the Rebbe’s message to him at the outset of his Shlichus in California:
Get to work with alacrity and with tremendous faith. May his memory be as much of a blessing as his life.
Study Torah with Rabbi Gordon daily, at Jewish.TV.
Composed by Boruch Sholom Blesofsky
Lyrics by Shmuel Marcus
Arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry
Mixed by Eli Lishinsky
Bass: Arye Volnitz
Spanish Guitar: Omri Zelig
Brass: Rafi Davidov, Dubi Ekstein, Adi Meiri, Shay Dagan
Brass recorded at Gal Kol Studios by Daniel Barnea
Choir: Tzvi Blumenfeld, Benny Friedman,
Boruch Sholom Blesofsky and Yoni Z
Special thanks to JEM’s “My Encounter
with the Rebbe” oral history project
for the audio
Based on the words and spirit of my late uncle Rabbi Yehoshua B. (Josh) Gordon A”H
who taught thousands to think big and to think positive.
My uncle Rabbi Yehoshua Binyomin "Josh” Gordon, of blessed memory, was one of the most fascinating and inspiring people I have
ever had the privilege of knowing. He was a delightful and powerful blend of big thinking and tender concern, intense seriousness
and hysterical humor, towering faith and earnest humanity. And aside from everything else, he believed and invested in my musical
future with all his hear t.
He attributed everything he did and everything he was to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the Rebbe’s constant guidance and encouragement.
In par ticular, he frequently and vigorously repeated the Rebbe’s message to him at the outset of his Shlichus in California:
Get to work with alacrity and with tremendous faith. May his memory be as much of a blessing as his life.
Study Torah with Rabbi Gordon daily, at Jewish.TV.
עוד באתר:
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