ניסים בלאק וישראל לאוב - A Million years

מקור: ניסים בלאק ויוסף בראון, לחן: ניסים בלאק ויוסף בראון, ז'אנר: לא צויין.

נמצא באלבום: למעלה.

yosittt | יום שלישי כ"א חשון התשע"ז, 22-11-2016 בשעה 12:10צפיות: 10114.
ניסים בלאק
ניסים בלאק
מילות השיר:
I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

It's my hope that I know You/
My desire that I show You/
Gratitude/ That I owe You/
Cause I was in that Klipas Nogah/
until You came and dusted off/
and revealed my spark/ I /
was searching for the essence of existence/
wanted to find You/ but I didn't see an entrance/
I came from a distance/ where everything was different/
I called out to You/ and You showed me that You listened/
from then we became best friends/
I gave my all to You and You showed me who I am/
I am/ staying by Your side/ to bask in Your light/
in Your mercy I reside/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

What is it I can give You/
What is it I can lift You/
When everything is Yours/
every time I walk straight there's another door/
to help me achieve everything I need and more/
more/ nothing more nothing less than/
going to and fro trying to hear that voice from heaven/
Your direction/ I climb/ but I fall flat like bread with no leaven/

Please come pick me up/
and never ever put me down/
Give me all Your love/
and bring the real me out/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let gooooo/ even in a Million Years/
there when I'm up/ There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let go/ even in a/ even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/ There when I'm down/
Sooooo I'm staying here/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/

I won't let go/
even in a Million Years/
You're there when I'm up/
You're There when I'm down/
So I'm staying here/
הערות על השיר:
Written By: Yosef Brown & Nissim Black
Produced By: Yosef Brown
Keys By: Yisroel Laub
Recorded By: Yisroel Laub at LittleBox Records
Mixed By: Oren Emmanuel

מילים ולחן: ניסים בלאק ויוסף בראון
עיבוד והפקה מוזיקאלית: יוסף בראון וישראל לאוב
הוקלט על ידי: ישראל לאוב באולפני LittleBox ירושלים
מיקס ומאסטרינג: אורן עמנואל.
להאזנה לשיר:
גם בעוד מליון שנה....

עוד באתר:

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