So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu, We’re waiting on you…
First Verse:
It ain’t a number one Hit/ it is a number one gift/ a stress reliever/ no flex-a-rel/ for this we turn to Hashem/ and controversy this might get/ and whether or not you like it/ we are not afraid of crisis/ this is our land/ and yes its right here/ no fear/ look to the words of Moshe rabbeinu/ thank you/ look to the sky redemption is coming/ Mashiach tzidkeinu/ our time/ our people/ our prime/ we scream it loud/ open the gates/ send the Redeemer/ Ma-ma-mashiach now
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu, We’re waiting on you…
Second Verse:
No matter what you thought was righteous/ No matter how wrong my right is/ This bond is deeper than a knife gets/ and so together we fight this/ we ain’t gonna give up now/ we in the midbar tryna’ see that cloud/ the shechina/ bring it down/ Your neshama/ bring it out/ you’re the only you we have/ but belief in yourself you lack/ the destination lab/ so we’re gonna bring you back/ full intact/ snap/ no lies/ no evil/ our prime/ no equal/ open the gates / send Your redeemer/ and redeem Your people
Ooooohhhh, z’man cheruteinu ooohhh, z’man cheruteinu ooohhh, Ooooooohhhhh
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
We’re waiting on you…
We’re waiting on you…
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu, We’re waiting on you…
First Verse:
It ain’t a number one Hit/ it is a number one gift/ a stress reliever/ no flex-a-rel/ for this we turn to Hashem/ and controversy this might get/ and whether or not you like it/ we are not afraid of crisis/ this is our land/ and yes its right here/ no fear/ look to the words of Moshe rabbeinu/ thank you/ look to the sky redemption is coming/ Mashiach tzidkeinu/ our time/ our people/ our prime/ we scream it loud/ open the gates/ send the Redeemer/ Ma-ma-mashiach now
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu, We’re waiting on you…
Second Verse:
No matter what you thought was righteous/ No matter how wrong my right is/ This bond is deeper than a knife gets/ and so together we fight this/ we ain’t gonna give up now/ we in the midbar tryna’ see that cloud/ the shechina/ bring it down/ Your neshama/ bring it out/ you’re the only you we have/ but belief in yourself you lack/ the destination lab/ so we’re gonna bring you back/ full intact/ snap/ no lies/ no evil/ our prime/ no equal/ open the gates / send Your redeemer/ and redeem Your people
Ooooohhhh, z’man cheruteinu ooohhh, z’man cheruteinu ooohhh, Ooooooohhhhh
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
So we lift em’ up High/ get em’ up in the sky/ the geula is coming/ redemption is coming/ So we’re waiting on you/ Hashem we’re waiting on you/ for Z’man Cheruteinu
We’re waiting on you…
We’re waiting on you…
עוד באתר:
הלב והמעיין יוצאים בשיר קסום
סיקור על האלבום החדש והאיכותי של להקת "הלב והמעיין" - "יוצאין בשיר" המוקדש לניגוני חב"ד
אבי בן ישראל מחכה ל(גי)נס..
אבי אברהם בביקורת מיוחדת על האלבום מחכה לנס של הזמר אבי בן ישראל.
כשהנרות נכבים.. נשארת השלהבת !
אבי אברהם בביקורת על האלבום החדש של תזמורת שלהבת.
נתנאל לייפר על אלבום הפיוטים של להקת הרוק\פיוז'ן היהודית "הלווים, שמשלבת בין מזרח למערב בצורה מרתקת הן בכלי הנגינה והן במקצבים והצלילים.