Soon be waking, no more waiting
Done with time anticipating
Soon there'll be no hesitating
So soon
Soon the pleasure
Soon the treasure
Just one heart that beats forever
Soon, a word not needed ever
So soon
But soon just ain't soon enough for me oh, canwt you see
Time seems to travel endlessly
Soon is not soon enough
Soon enough for me
Now let it be
Free us instantly
Cause soon ain't soon enough for me
Soon just ain't soon enough
It's now I need
So long we've been waiting anxiously
Soon makes it way too hard
Long too tough for me
Oh, daddy please
Canwt you hear my plea
Cause soon ainwt soon enough for me
Day breaks for me
Hopes of glory
Soon will be near
Soon will be here
Redemptions flame shines bright before me
Oh, so soon
Revelation, expectation
Everlasting jubilation
Holding on for celebration
Be soon
But, soon just ain't soon enough for me
I am begging please
Time seems to travel end lessly
Soon is not soon enough
Soon enough for me
You made Your vow
Let it be now
Every dream become reality
Soon just ain't soon enough
Soon enough for me
Time seems to travel just way too end lessly
Soon just ain't soon enough
Soon enough for me
Daddy hear your child's plea
Soon ain't soon enough for me
Done with time anticipating
Soon there'll be no hesitating
So soon
Soon the pleasure
Soon the treasure
Just one heart that beats forever
Soon, a word not needed ever
So soon
But soon just ain't soon enough for me oh, canwt you see
Time seems to travel endlessly
Soon is not soon enough
Soon enough for me
Now let it be
Free us instantly
Cause soon ain't soon enough for me
Soon just ain't soon enough
It's now I need
So long we've been waiting anxiously
Soon makes it way too hard
Long too tough for me
Oh, daddy please
Canwt you hear my plea
Cause soon ainwt soon enough for me
Day breaks for me
Hopes of glory
Soon will be near
Soon will be here
Redemptions flame shines bright before me
Oh, so soon
Revelation, expectation
Everlasting jubilation
Holding on for celebration
Be soon
But, soon just ain't soon enough for me
I am begging please
Time seems to travel end lessly
Soon is not soon enough
Soon enough for me
You made Your vow
Let it be now
Every dream become reality
Soon just ain't soon enough
Soon enough for me
Time seems to travel just way too end lessly
Soon just ain't soon enough
Soon enough for me
Daddy hear your child's plea
Soon ain't soon enough for me
עוד באתר:
השקיפו... אלבום שלישי...
איתן סיטון על האלבום השלישי (אמור להיות רביעי) של ברוך לוין הנקרא "השקיפה", ותגלו מפה עוד כמה פרטים שלא ידעתם או לא שמתם לב. קריאה מהנה.
פורים כל השנה!
פורים עבר לא מזמן, אבל הטעם, האוירה ושמחת פורים נשארים איתנו לאורך זמן, מבקר המוזיקה איתי סיטבון בסיקור על אלבומו החדש של חיליק פראנק - "פורים אין ירושלים 2".
דוד מלך ישראל חי וקיים !
אבי אברהם בביקורת על אלבומו האחרון של ישראל ורדיגר אשירה ואזמרה.
לעומקו של דבר...
נתנאל לייפר נהנה מ"מקור חיים" אלבומם השני של להקת הרוק מארה"ב "עומק הדבר"