Yehi razton mi›lifanecha HaShem Elokenu v›Elokei avoseinu, sh›yibaneh hamikdash bimheri v›yamenu, v›sein chelokenu v›sorasecha.
(May it be Your will HaShem our G-d and G-d of our forefathers that You build the Holy Temple speedily in our days and give us our portion of Your Torah.)
I don›t know where start or even where to begin.
I guess I›ll start from the start with original sin.
Our position was din (pure justice).
Switched up to rachamim (mercy), start the dream.
Bad decision in hand, we pressed the fruit to the lips... we tripped.
Our trip is now on a mission to fix.
Just to follow the script.
Tip for time gotta listen to mind.
Get the crystaline sight.
Our time to shine so bright amalek go blind.
As a beacon sign, plant the seed in time and the tree will climb.
Avraham Avinu (Abraham Our forefather) migo (caused), not deceitful, people we›ll kingdomize.
We›ve seen the rise and fall of many nations, devastations, levitations, irrigations.
See we›re right here, right now, right here, still with patience.
better bet y›all props are blatant.
Yehi razton mi›lifanecha HaShem Elokenu v›Elokei avoseinu, sh›yibaneh hamikdash bimheri v›yamenu, v›sein chelokenu v›sorasecha.
I step to rock the beat so I can sit and chop the bavli (Understand the Oral Law).
I speak my piece complete, with no facade B.
Straight truth and not even a maybe.
In Steirot rockets rain on a basis that›s daily.
Very shady trading world opinion for life.
My brothers dying out there can›t even put up a fight.
They›re like, «Zionism is the card for the strife.»
I›ll call a spade a spade you buncha anti-semites.
Me, I like the type that will fight for right, ignite the light, sight not to bite the hype.
I write what’s right and I do what›s real. Do what›s good in His eyes, forget the mass appeal.
Yehi ratzon (may it be Your will), siren, time on, pile on, right on track to get the Yids (Jews) back to Zion.
The lion lays low in his den then he pops out of the shadows and goes straight for the neck.
Yehi razton mi›lifanecha HaShem Elokenu v›Elokei avoseinu, sh›yibaneh hamikdash bimheri v›yamenu, v›sein chelokenu v›sorasecha.
(May it be Your will HaShem our G-d and G-d of our forefathers that You build the Holy Temple speedily in our days and give us our portion of Your Torah.)
I don›t know where start or even where to begin.
I guess I›ll start from the start with original sin.
Our position was din (pure justice).
Switched up to rachamim (mercy), start the dream.
Bad decision in hand, we pressed the fruit to the lips... we tripped.
Our trip is now on a mission to fix.
Just to follow the script.
Tip for time gotta listen to mind.
Get the crystaline sight.
Our time to shine so bright amalek go blind.
As a beacon sign, plant the seed in time and the tree will climb.
Avraham Avinu (Abraham Our forefather) migo (caused), not deceitful, people we›ll kingdomize.
We›ve seen the rise and fall of many nations, devastations, levitations, irrigations.
See we›re right here, right now, right here, still with patience.
better bet y›all props are blatant.
Yehi razton mi›lifanecha HaShem Elokenu v›Elokei avoseinu, sh›yibaneh hamikdash bimheri v›yamenu, v›sein chelokenu v›sorasecha.
I step to rock the beat so I can sit and chop the bavli (Understand the Oral Law).
I speak my piece complete, with no facade B.
Straight truth and not even a maybe.
In Steirot rockets rain on a basis that›s daily.
Very shady trading world opinion for life.
My brothers dying out there can›t even put up a fight.
They›re like, «Zionism is the card for the strife.»
I›ll call a spade a spade you buncha anti-semites.
Me, I like the type that will fight for right, ignite the light, sight not to bite the hype.
I write what’s right and I do what›s real. Do what›s good in His eyes, forget the mass appeal.
Yehi ratzon (may it be Your will), siren, time on, pile on, right on track to get the Yids (Jews) back to Zion.
The lion lays low in his den then he pops out of the shadows and goes straight for the neck.
Yehi razton mi›lifanecha HaShem Elokenu v›Elokei avoseinu, sh›yibaneh hamikdash bimheri v›yamenu, v›sein chelokenu v›sorasecha.
עוד באתר:
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