Sometimes you're feeling down
Things haven't gone your way
So you're looking all around
To find someone who'll save the day
There's one place you can turn
He'll never turn you back
when you look to Hashem
You're always back on track
Cause Hashem loves you
You're His greatest pride
Yes, Hashem loves you
He's always by your side
You can see it too
All the good you have inside
It's up to you
All you need is to decide
One thing you've got to know
Is no matter what you do
No strings are attached
To the love Hashem will show to you
Just got to hold on tight
Put your trust in Him
keep your head held high
Let your soul just start to sing
Chorus: Cause Hashem loves you....
You'll walk a different walk
With confidence in your stride
When you think of Hashem's love
And you know you're always on His mind
There's a light you've got to shine
A job no one else can do
Hashem's given you the tools
Now the rest comes down to you
Things haven't gone your way
So you're looking all around
To find someone who'll save the day
There's one place you can turn
He'll never turn you back
when you look to Hashem
You're always back on track
Cause Hashem loves you
You're His greatest pride
Yes, Hashem loves you
He's always by your side
You can see it too
All the good you have inside
It's up to you
All you need is to decide
One thing you've got to know
Is no matter what you do
No strings are attached
To the love Hashem will show to you
Just got to hold on tight
Put your trust in Him
keep your head held high
Let your soul just start to sing
Chorus: Cause Hashem loves you....
You'll walk a different walk
With confidence in your stride
When you think of Hashem's love
And you know you're always on His mind
There's a light you've got to shine
A job no one else can do
Hashem's given you the tools
Now the rest comes down to you
עוד באתר:
מלא כל טוב
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על "מלא עולם" אלבום הסולו השני של הזמר והיוצר שלמה כ"ץ. קריאה מהנה!
אורות גבוהים? דווקא הייתי מציע לכבות...
איתי סיטבון בטור על אלבומו השביעי של הזמר והיוצר אודי דוידי - "אורות גבוהים". קריאה נעימה!
מפיוטים לסולו גדול
איתן סיטון על אלבומו החדש של הזמר הוותיק, שעד עכשיו חשבנו שהוא רק בעניני הפיוטים והתברר שטעינו - יובל טייב "שמע ישראל". קריאה מהנה!
שרים מהלב ומהרוח ונוגעים בנשמה
סיקור על אלבומם החדש והמופתי של להקת המדרגות "הלב הרוח והנשמה" שמוקדש לשיריו ופיוטיו של של משורר תור הזהב של יהדות ספרד רבי אברהם אבן עזרא. קריאה מהנה.